03 December 2009

goat yell like a man (i like)

for everyone that needs a little laughter sometimes. please enjoy this video (preferably repeatedly):


  1. Didn't you know, that's how goats bleat in Eastern Europe. Here in America, they do the choppy MAAAAA MAAAAA that we're accustomed to hearing. Just like people speak in different languages, so do animals. So we should embrace this poor goat's diversity for he is a beautiful flower among all of God's goats. I bet he even tastes good too.

  2. Ay, main...December 2009 was a loooooooooong time ago, Dunny...what's good? What you learning/thankin' bout?

  3. ...this post's so old, the YouTube link broke! Dang!

  4. i pity the fool that don't know that i fixed the link!
